It's likely that you have come across APA formatting if you study psychology, sociology, or education. Along with other formatting styles like MLA and Chicago, APA is one of the primary challenges that students have to deal with when they write research papers. In most cases, the most difficult part is to know the guidelines, rules, citation format, and how to apply all of them the right way. But don’t worry, in this blog post, we’ll cover what APA format is and how to use a template to format an APA paper. Also, you will get practical tips on what is better to include in a college APA format paper.
What Is APA Format
APA writing format was established by the American Psychological Association. It communicates clear expectations, promotes high-quality standards of work, provides guidelines for composing and arranging research papers. Key aspects of APA format include:
- Title Page: Includes title, name of the author, and institutions.
- Abstract: (approximately 150-250 words) A summary of the paper.
- APA In-Text Citations: APA rules specifically on formatting.
- References: A list of all sources cited in APA style.
According to APA standards, understanding all these elements is crucial for writing a good research paper.
APA Formatting Rules
When you set out to write a paper in APA format, you need to follow the requirements carefully. Here’s a rundown of the basic elements:
- Font: All writing should be in a readable font, Times New Roman 12-point as the standard.
- Margins: One-inch margins on all sides.
- Line Spacing: Your paper should be double-spaced.
- Page Numbers: Include page numbers in the upper right of each page.
- Headings: Use headings to break your paper down into sections.
If you want to simplify your formatting work, you can use AI writing assistants like JustDone which can make the writing process easy. This free citation tool has formatting templates and offers real-time assistance in formatting your document.
A Complete Guide: How to Cite Sources in APA Style
Citation is an important aspect of academic life. So, when writing your research paper, make sure that every reference is properly made. Here’s how to cite different types of sources using APA format:
- Books: Last, F. M. (Year Published). Book Title. City, State: Publisher, Year of publication.
- Journal Articles: Last, F. M. (Year Published). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pp.—pp. URL or DOI.
- Websites: Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date). Title of webpage. Name of Website. URL.
If it seems overwhelming, simply use JustDone tools to save time and get accurate citation formats.
Using Footnotes in APA Format
Unlike other citation styles, APA relies primarily on in-text citations, using footnotes only in specific cases: content notes and copyright attribution.
Content Notes
Content footnotes provide additional information that enhances the discussion but may be too distracting to include in the main text. These notes should be brief, limited to one paragraph, and focus on a single idea. They can also direct readers to further resources. For example:
¹ See Johnson (2005) for more insights on medieval literature’s evolution.
Copyright Permission Notes
If you reproduce more than 500 words from a published work or include copyrighted graphics, tables, or charts, you must obtain formal permission from the original author. In such cases, a copyright footnote is required, formatted similarly to a reference entry but with additional details:
¹ From The Influence of Medieval Poetry, by L. Bennett, 2016, Historical Literary Review, 34(2), p. 45. Copyright 2016 by Academic Press. Reprinted with permission.
When using a word processor, insert superscript numbers after punctuation (except dashes) and place footnotes at the bottom of the page or in a separate Footnotes section after the references. Each footnote should be indented, with no space before the number. APA recommends default footnote formatting - 10-point font and single spacing - for clarity.
By following these guidelines, you ensure proper attribution and maintain a clean, readable APA-formatted paper.
APA vs. MLA vs. Chicago: What’s the Difference?
These are the most popular styles of research paper formatting for students. In a nutshell, they are used for different disciplines and research purposes. For instance:
- APA is mostly preferred by the social sciences.
- MLA is used in humanities.
- Chicago is great for history and other related fields.
Reference styles are often dictated by the academic discipline, so it’s key to follow the relevant one. You may get all the information you require regarding APA formatting style, including APA templates, here.
Wrapping Up
Writing a paper in APA format requires following certain guidelines and rules. By following this guide and using AI writing assistants like JustDone, you can boost your writing, while ensuring clarity and keeping to formatting standards. Don’t forget that only practice makes perfect, so be confident and embrace these insights for your next college APA format paper!